This weekend Janet and I visited Henderson (Las Vegas) NV where I spoke three times at St. Francis of Assisi parish. This was put on by Craig King and a lot of marvelous Catholics. We met many Filipinos, some of whom we have mutual friends in the Philippines. We also especially enjoyed Rich and Kevin and their families. They were recently Evangelicals involved in InterVarsity Fellowship. They are still in love with Jesus — but have now also discovered his Jesus' Church.

(Click on images for larger pictures! Photography by Kevin Love.)

It was great talking with everyone — many with amazing stories of God's grace in their lives. One man (named Glenn? – let me know if I have that wrong) was there when I visited about 10 years ago and at that time decided to start an Apologetics Club. Since then he has seen 300 people convert to the Catholic Church. Steen, another man who attended 10 years ago, said that visit changed his life and he is now in charge of RCIA with 65 people in his class this year.

These are amazing folks! It was a joy to be with them. They were full of love for Jesus, excitement about evangelizing, and full of enthusiasm for the Catholic faith. They brought us in to edify them, but they may not know it — but they certainly edified us!

The picture of the large group was taken during lunch when we had a special time to talk with the catechists. What a bright and enthusiastic bunch of brothers and sisters in Christ. It is most gratifying and exciting to see this kind of renewal going on in the Church around the country! This week we are on our way to Canton Michigan and New Orlean Louisiana.
