I was made aware of two critical comments on my book Upon this Rock. I generally tend to defend my works if I have time. I have briefly addressed each for anyone interested.

The comments were made by Michael Whelton in his book Popes and Patriarchs. He was an Anglican turned Catholic, who was then disallusioned by the liturgical and doctrinal disorders within the Church and thus turned to Eastern Orthodoxy. My wife and I came very close to becoming Orthodox ourselves before finally embracing Catholicism.

I responded to his comments on St. John Chrysostom here, and his criticism of my use of St. Basil here. I've scanned an excellent chapter from The Eastern Churches and the Papacy by S. Herbert Scott to provide a more complete context for the history and beliefs of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil — Part 1 is mostly on Basil; part 2 mostly on Chrysostom.

My responses will remain permanently on my Resources page along with other Reviews & Critiques of my books.

For a thorough review of Michael Whelton's flawed book "Popes and Patriarchs," visit Jim Likoudis' website (click on yellow box below). Also, this Greek Orthodox convert to the Catholic Church has a lot of other helpful information and books on the topics related to the Eastern Orthodox churches and the Catholic Church. For a quick and interesting free article on Whelton's book from Likoudis, click here.

Also, after the dust settles, I intend to revise my response to James Swan about the Luther quote he is researching–when I have time. I will post my edited response in the near future. I am actually grateful for his research. My original response can be read here. In my revised response I intend to thank him for his research since we all want to be accurate and thorough. 

For the latest update on the critics method, click here and here.
