Videos for Day Seven has been moved to my Pilgrimage site — Click here

First we left at 6:00 AM to walk the Via Dolorosa — the Stations of the Cross, the Way of Sorrows — and ended up at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre — at Calvary and the Tomb. We took the pilgrims on a tour of the Church.

After breakfast we drove to the Convent of the Sisters of Zion and their church over the ruins of the Antonia Fortress where Jesus was tried by Pilate, scourged and taken out toward Calvary. We had Mass there before viewing the actual pavement where Jesus was tried (John 19:13). Then we visited the Church of St. Ann where Mary was born. I gave a short talk on the Immaculate Conception and we prayed a blessing for Grandparents since this was the house of Jesus' grandmother and grandfather.

We visited the Pools of Bethesda (John 5) before going to pray at the Western Wall. We had lunch at our Notre Dame Hotel, then a tour of the best Shroud of Turin display in the world led by Fr. Kelly. Some people then took naps, others went shopping or back to the Holy Sepulchre to pray.

At 6:00 PM we left for Bethlehem for our Farewell Dinner at Samer Restaurant where we ate two lambs and did a lot of Arabic dancing. A great time was had by all. Tomorrow we go to Masada, Qumran, swim in the Dead Sea and eat lunch and ride camels in Jericho.
