Visiting and Speaking at Logos Bible Software; Dinner with Mark Shea

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Steve with Andrew Jones

Today was a busy and exciting day. It started out with a meeting with my new friend Andrew Jones, a PhD in Medieval history and a Catholic scholar. He hosted us on a tour of Logos Bible Software in Bellingham Washington. Of the 300+ employees I think you can count those over 30 years onl on the fingers of my two hands.

In 1989 I discovered a Bible Software program call CDWord LIbrary. It went defunct until 1009 when Logos Bible Software purchased the rights and turned it into the premier software program for Bible Study.

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Sharing with Logos Employees about understanding their new Catholic users

I’ve had it up and running on my screen every day since. Today was kind of like a pilgrimage for me going to their headquarters, meeting Bob Pritchett the founder and his brother Dan Pritchett. These guys are geniuses.

Twenty-five of their employees joined my wife Janet and I in the large conference room where I had the privilege of discussing our conversion to the Catholic Church and helping them understand their Catholic users.

The vast majority of employees (and users) are Fundamentalist and Evangelical Protestants. The Catholic division is new and relatively small but exceptionally well-staffed and growing. I think the hour conversation was marvelous.

We took of tour of the multi-building facility and met the movers and the shakers. Very fun for me after using their product for over two decades. After lunch, a preview of coming attractions with new updates, I did a few video promos for them.

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Steve and Janet Ray sharing dinner with Mark and Janet Shea

Then we drove back down to Seattle along the coast and visited with Mark Shea and his wife Janet. We sat along the coast of Puget Sound and enjoyed some fresh seafood and excellent conversation. We agreed again that we were kindred spirits. Mark is an excellent writer and a convert from atheist to Evangelical to Catholic. He writes books and is a staff writer for National Catholic Register.

We drove back through the mountains of northwest Washington State and crashed after a long day.

Tomorrow, after we exercise together again in the AM, my wife Janet and I will drive out on the peninsula’s to Anacortes where we will join up with the good folks at St. Marys. I a have the joy of giving two of my favorite talks at the Catholic Family Conference. We’ll head home on Monday, catch up a few days at home, see how my aging father is doing in the hospital (we think he is dying) and then head to Lubbock Texas.
