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We are up North in Michigan where Janet’s parents live in the summer. Her sisters all came for a short family reunion. I stayed at the Crooked River Lodge to stay out of their way.

I took off about 6:20 AM for a hike thru the woods and watched the sun rise. Smells and sounds and ambiance of the northern woods has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.

Deer flies we’re relentless but my hat flustered their endeavors. I enjoy the the birds, trees, animals and wild flowers as you will see.

The walk got me thinking about God and his creation and a time to be born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to mourn. I saw remains of a train track long ago that brought soldiers home from World War II so far away and so long ago. I imagined the joy of families as the train ground to a halt and their gaunt but victorious sons and daughters rushed to their arms; and of those who watch with sorrow — no son stepping from the train, rather buried in France or Germany or Italy.
