Catholic and Bible Study for laptops, desktops, iPads, smartphones and more, all synced together

It was a fun show, because it is a fun topic and one close to my heart and constantly on my laptop since 1990! Last week’s show on Morning Air was archived. The show with Sean was on the basics of Logos and Catholic Bible study (streaming or MP3). My show on Ave Maria is Archived and starts at 12:50 minutes into the show.)

This show will be with Sean Herriott at 9:40 AM on Thursday. Listen live streaming HERE, get the podcast HERE. My segment is about 40 minutes into the show.

I have been using the Logos Bible software for years because it’s a robust program that is easy to use. I always considered it the premier Bible Software, but they had very little content for Catholics…

… but now that has all changed and Catholic need to jump on board! In 2012 the world has changed. Logos created an entire Catholic department staffed with near-geniuses. The result is paradigm shattering for Catholics.

When I study it’s as if I have an additional sense, or a number of research assistants at my side. Now I am going to shout from the rooftops. Catholic need to study and know the Bible more than anyone else. After all, THE BIBLE IS OUR BOOK!

Logos is amazing and simply best way for Catholics to study and know their Bibles and the rich teaching and tradition of 2,000 years in the heart of the Catholic Church.

A few of the features: Catholic bibles, Fathers of the Church, Catechism, all the papal encyclicals since the 1700’s, Councils of Trent, Vatican I and Vatican II, Catholic Commentaries on Scripture, the writings of Aquinas, Augustine, Cardinal Newman, John Paul II, the Catholic Lectionary, Chesterton and much more.

There are four packages available from cheapest to more costly, from fewer to more resources: 1) Catholic Bible & Catechism Library, 2) Catholic Foundations, 3) Catholic Scripture Study Library, 4) Catholic Scholar’s Library.

They range from less than $50 to $800 based on the size library you wish to purchase. You can then add other books and sets as you wish (for Christmas maybe). The books in the larger collections would cost over $6,000 in book form. Check them out with their full list of resources and pricing HERE.


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Works and sync’s on my laptop, my iPhone and my iPad…seamlessly (and also on their server!)

It’s one thing to have a software package for your computer. If you are away from the house and want to look up a passage, or cross reference a verse what can you do? Well with Logos, I can just whip out my iPhone and I have it all right there…even the Catechism.
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To see the Catechism package for under $50, click here. Use STEVE in Promo Code for 15% discount.

