Final Pilgrimage Day: Mary's Birthplace, Healing at Bethesda, Western Wall for Bar Mitzvahs, Comments, Farewells

Part One: We visited the site of Mary’s birth, where the Immaculate Conception took place. It was also here that Jesus cured the cripple at the Pools of Bethesda in John 5. We listened to some Protestants belittling Mary and the Catholic Church there. Another guide was mocking the Via Dolorosa.

We then went to the Western Wall and I told the pilgrims the story of the Wall and we all prayed there — for the conversion of the Jewish people. It was pretty exciting since it was Bar Mitzvah Thursday. Then to lunch at Ramat Rachel overlooking Bethlehem before a free afternoon.

Then the happy-sad part. We all had dinner together and hugged, cried, said our good-byes and got a lot of comments on video for all of you to see.

