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Dr. Scott Hahn

“Dr. Scott Hahn says: “Home at last… after several firsts: first time I spent overnight(s) in a hospital; first time I received the sacrament of the anointing of the sick; and the first time a surgeon looked at me and said, ‘Yes, you might die.’ So I am grateful beyond words for His mercies and your prayers. How true it is, our God is bigger than all our storms!”

Good news is that the 18 inches removed was actually from his small intestine, not his colon. This is good news and much less of a problem long term.

LATEST UPDATE: Scott’s colon ruptured. Thankfully Fr. Ryland was able to get to the hospital and anoint him before they took him into surgery and then stayed with Kimberly. She said that they removed 18 inches of his colon (colon 5-5.5 feet total) and that currently he’s coping due to morphine but tomorrow will probably be a tough day as he will have to get up and move around and so she asked for prayer that the stitches hold and that no infection sets in. Thanks for your prayers.

From Dr. Hahn: “Came out of successful two hour surgery with lots of gratitude and pain. Will be in hospital for next 3-5 days; 2-4 weeks in recovery. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. AMDG”
