A Limerick for a Questioning Grandson – Did Jesus Really Exist?

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My Grandpa is a Biblical Detective

My grandson Josh asked, “Did Jesus really live? Maybe he didn’t and it was just a good story someone made up.”

So I sat down and wrote him this limerick and gave him a stack of books from my library. The topic has not come up again since.

Was there really a man named Jesus?
Or do the Catholics just try to tease us?
I went to the places,
Studied books for all traces,
And discovered he’s real which should please us.

A Limerick just sent to me from Darrell, a new convert, in response to the limerick I just posted:

There once was a man in much doubt,
What his Protestant faith was about.
Then a great guy named Steve
Helped the man to believe
In the Church that his Savior laid out.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Darrell

    Thanks for all you do. My journey home to the Catholic Church all began several years ago with me watching your Footprints of God videos and reading your books. Since my own conversion at Easter vigil this year, my spiritual life has blossomed. Merry Christmas, and in the spirit of giving, I’d like to offer you a limrick of my own.

    There once was a man in much doubt,
    what his protestant faith was about.
    Then a great guy named Steve helped the man to believe
    in the Church that his savior laid out.


  2. De Maria

    This one is not very good. It doesn’t rhyme as well as yours and Darrell’s. And it may be a bit over the top. But I ran it by some friends from Church and they said I should submit it. Here goes:

    Here’s a little ditty
    ’bout a little boy
    in the big ol’ city.

    He said, “In Christ believe not I,
    Unless he sees him
    with his own eye.”

    By and by,
    the boy did die
    and Jesus Christ he did espy

    But it was too late
    for to this date
    his prayer he didn’t say

    then these sad words
    is what he heard
    on that eventful day.

    Go ahead Peter
    Close that doo’
    cause that boy there
    I do not know



  3. Peter Shafton

    A great posting Steve – However look what you’ve started…

    We now have to thank God for Jesus,
    We thank Him for sending Steve Ray.
    Jesus – He saved us,
    Steve – he directed us,
    Together, they show us the way

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist. God bless.

  4. Mike

    We walked in the footsteps of Jesus
    Now you know you can believe us
    The martyrs didn’t die
    For a big ole lie
    But for the one who came to redeem us.

  5. Greg

    So much disillusion.
    Hard knocks , emotion, confusion.
    Pain, near despair.
    Does no one care?
    Jesus reply,
    for you I would die.

  6. girl

    Was Jesus a fact or a fiction?
    Is there evidence for His crucifixion?
    Josephus, et al.
    serve as historic rationale
    to bolster a Christian conviction.

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