Rough draft of my article My Memories of Al Kresta. this article to be uploaded later today from NCR.

Memories of our Friend Al Kresta in Pictures (1984-2025)

Page 1: Our conversion in 1994 with Al as my sponsor
One of our first apologetics conferences in the 80’s

Page 2: Another apologetics conference together with other friends
Al and I at the starting Ave Maria Radio at Dominos Farms with him

Page 3: Picture of Al’s family a few days before his death — yes, 21 grandkids
Kresta’s in our living room in the early 90’w putting on a family music fest

Page 4: Playing their funny song “Dogs in the night; dogs in the night!”
Afternoon at our house including Fr. Ed Fride

Page 5: Picnic at our house around 1985
Lunch at our house with Al’s kids and our daughter Cindy to the left

Page 5: Our families at Happy’s Rib Restaurant during a Steubenville conference
Al and daughter Alexis

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