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Relaxed morning; we didn’t even set the alarms. After a nice French breakfast we went to the Crypt in the Basilica for Mass (homily here).

Then our walking tour following the footprints of St. Bernadette. We visited her home at the mill, where they spent their last days in the abandoned jail, her parish Church and much more. Always a delightful walk through the old city of Lourdes.

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After that we gave everyone the afternoon free to see the movie about Lourdes, eat at French cafes, walk the stations of the cross on the hillside, pray in one of the many churches, go to confession, visit the castle or whatever else they wanted.

At 6:30 we all gathered together for our Farewell Dinner where are we thanked our marvelous guide Teresa Torres for all that she did for us and we celebrated a wonderful Pilgrimage together. (This Farewell Dinner, farewells & Comments on a separate video.)

Many of our folks went in the evening rosary Procession over the last few evenings. So we got some footage of that tonight as well.
