Here are a few lines from this excellent Crisis Magazine article. Since I have had covid (along with my whole family of 28) it is exactly what we have been saying – shouting it into the void.

Vaccines are inferior to the antibodies created in our bodies as a result of having had covid. So why are we treated like pariahs for objecting to forced vaccinations? We are naturally vaccinated!

Like my Church teaches, as stated unequivocally by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and officially affirmed by the American bishops: “vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation,” it “must be voluntary.” Had I not already had COVID-19, I’d be awaiting Novavax rather than getting jabbed by Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson—especially the first two, which are mRNA based and, frankly, not even “vaccines” in the conventional sense.

But I need not consider a vaccine, given that I have natural immunity created by the real virus itself rather than the always-inferior artificial immunity generated (assuming it works) by the still-experimental vaccines. (There’s a saying among immunologists: when it comes to immunity, “infection over injection.”)

As I noted here previously, citing merely two current major studies, COVID-19 survivors have long-lasting immunity. To quote one of the studies, a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nature, patients who have recovered from COVID-19 develop “long-lasting immunity,” namely with “antibody-producing cells” that “live and produce antibodies for the rest of people’s lives.” Or consider the major study by Cleveland Clinic, conducted on 52,238 employees, which concluded categorically that individuals who had COVID-19 “do not get additional benefits from vaccination.” (See this analysis for a nice roundup of current research on the superiority of natural immunity over artificial immunity.)

The herd immunity folks are the great forgotten group in the whole vaccination debate. Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci never mention them. Far worse, they don’t even get asked about them by our scandalously lousy and sickeningly biased media. And yet, there is no greater group (literally) being forgotten right now.

The number of people officially listed by the CDC as having tested positive for COVID-19 is 35 million. In reality, as nary a soul in the medical profession doubts, the real number of Americans who have been positive for COVID-19 is absolutely, without any question whatsoever, at least three to four times that amount.

You can read the whole article here.
