I read Zenit every day. It is a good way to keep up on the world through the lens of the Catholic Church. Here is their offer for a free subscription.

In the midst of many problems and chaos in the world, the Catholic Church continues to raise her voice and proclaim the truth of the human person and the solutions to our problems! Benedict XVI continues to enlighten the minds and hearts of believers and nonbelievers alike.

Meanwhile, the secular press lives to sell news, meaning they generally follow the rule: “If it bleeds, it leads.” That explains why there is plenty of space on the front page for the horrific, scandalous and worldly, whereas the stories of everyday heroic men and women are, at best, relegated to the back corners.

How many times have we been asked, or asked ourselves, what can be done to make the voice of truth and beauty heard? How can this truly good news make it into people’s hearts and homes?

Well, we have one answer to these questions: ZENIT currently has 150,000 subscribers to its English edition. If each of these readers gives the gift of ZENIT to three more people, we would have more than 450,000 readers of the English edition!

Make the Catholic voice heard! Give the gift of good news. Give the gift of ZENIT!

This is the season for gift-giving. Consider which of your friends and loved ones could receive the gift of ZENIT. Then go to this link. Pass it along to others too.

