From Canon Lawyer Ed Peter’s Website:

Well, really, it’s more of a “non-note” on celibacy for incoming Anglican ministers.

A few days ago the Holy See Press Office issued a note on whether married Anglican ministers coming into full communion would be required to observe celibacy if they sought Catholic holy orders. The statement clarifies that the obligation of celibacy for Western clerics remains in place (c. 277), but that individual exceptions to celibacy can be petitioned and granted. In other words, former Anglican ministers seeking Catholic ordination will be required to observe celibacy. Unless they won’t be required to observe it.

Because the note portends, on the one hand, no change in the law of celibacy and, on the other, no change in the process by which married candidates from Protestant denominations can petition for and, if selected for orders, be exempted from the law of celibacy, what the Vatican Information Service calls a “note” seems more of a “non-note”.

Resources: Good information on the “Pastoral Provision” under which (primarily) Anglican married ministers have received Catholic orders; a Wiki overview of the Pastoral Provision with texts and links to important documents such as Sacerdotalis coelibatus and “In June”.

Some interesting blog posts: Jimmy Akin (2 nov.); Fr. Zuhlsdorf (31 oct.);
