Episcopal Church: 3 homosexuals nominated for bishop positions


Three weeks after the Episcopal Church voted to resume the ordination of actively homosexual bishops, three homosexual priests– one male and two female– have been nominated for election to the episcopate.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Paul Primavera

    The Episcopal Church is now no more Christian than Jehovah Witness, Christian Science or any other sect. The thing that’s fascinating is that the more they do this sort of thing – ingratiating themselves with the liberals – the more people they lose in their congregations.

  2. Heydon

    I don’t understand why they would even condone homosexuality. Their church should find ways to help them overcome it. I don’t believe God would have made it possible for someone to be born or predisposed to this condition. The Episcopal church allowing this is only re-enforcing that belief.

  3. Tim

    If they’re Episcopalians then they aren’t bishops or even priests so what’s the problem? 🙂

    The only Gay Bishop I know of was Weakland.

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