Pilgrimage Day 2: Transfiguration, Cana & Nazareth


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sara Halcomb

    Thank you for sharing this pilgrimage with us! My prayers are with you-all and it is so exciting to catch a peek at my parents (and Dick & Pat). Had to chuckle that they were the first off of the airplane. Especially loved the view of the renewal of the wedding vows and Dick during mass. Happy Mother’s Day to the ladies.
    Much love, Sara

  2. Doug Iudiciani

    Hi Cherry, I saw you on the videos, you look like your having a great time. Happy Mother’s Day. We miss and love you, have fun. Pray for me, I need it. Hopefully, you get this email. Say hello to the Pope for me, we’re old friends. He might not remember me at first, but give him a little time and I’m sure he’ll remember. Love you, see you soon, have a great time. Tell Lauren I said hello.

  3. Becky Munson

    I enjoyed watching the renewal of the wedding vows. Now, though, I am really confused. Which date is correct, the 1954 on the wedding certificate, the 1956 in the family Bible, or May of 2009?! It was good to see you all, Mom and Dad as well as Dick and Pat. Enjoy the journey.

  4. Alice

    Dear Steve,

    I will be on the tour next week with a group from St. James Church in Lake Placid, FL. I am trying to see how the messaging works from me to family and vise-versa. I will check on the site tomorrow to see if there is any info. See you next week. Sincerely, Alice Kosanke

  5. Jim Evans

    I would like to echo Sara’s comments. I love these blogs. I wish I could be there with my Mom (Maria) experiencing this wonderful journey. These blogs allow me to “share” this experience with her. I don’t want this wonderful experience to end for her…but selfishly, I can’t wait to pick her up at the airport. I want to hear every detail and look at every picture. I have made it a personal committment to pray my rosary every night of this pilgramage. My intentions as I pray this wonderful prayer is that those on this journey are safe and healthy, can enjoy every minute of this journey, and most of all…are able to experience God’s blessings and feel his presence as they seek this spiritual growth. Steve and Janet…I thank you for allowing this opportunity for my Mom (and everyone else on this journey). My wife and I will make this trip with you one of these days (OK…maybe one of these years). Thanks!!!

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