Obama’s Nominee for Health & Human Services not so Clean! Another One Bites the Dust?

Obama Cabinet nominee understated support from notorious abortionist
Kathleen Sebelius, the Kansas governor who has been nominated by President Obama to head the Department of Health and Human Services, has drawn heavy financial support from a noted late-term abortionist. Dr. George Tiller donated $200,000 to a political-action committee that backed the 2002 Sebelius gubernatorial campaign, the pro-life activist group Operation Rescue has discovered. In testimony before the Senate, Sebelius had claimed that since 2001, “I have received no donations from Dr. Tiller or any PAC related to him.”


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Suzanne Calvano

    P.S. Tell the Pope what an awesome gift he is to the Church and to the world! Love him!

    1. Steve Ray

      We just got tickets for our group to join the Pope for Mass in Bethlehem!!

  2. Suzanne Calvano

    That’s cool! I meant for my first comment here to be part of your post about arriving in Rome, but apparently, I was confused and put it in the wrong place. Oh well. It’s all good. Can never say enough how awesome the Pope is! So, tell him hello in Rome and in Bethlehem! I’m happy to hear that you were able to get tickets to the Mass. How awesome it will be for all of you. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be at Mass with the Pope, let alone at Mass with him in Bethlehem! How awesome. Wish I could go back for that. I will look forward to photos and videos. Thanks and God bless you!

    As far as Sebelius, she has to go! I’m really tired of these people who say they are Catholic and then do everything they can to promote the culture of death! I guess all we can do is pray about it. On a positive note, I found out that a Protestant minister who stopped by the Southfield abortion clinic one day when myself and some others were praying (the same day I met Peter!), ended up mentioning 40 days for life on his radio show and with people in his ministry. As a direct result, a woman called up and said she was considering an abortion, but after hearing his message and hearing about the 40 days for life campaign, she changed her mind and chose life! Praise God!! Another Holy spirit moment that he just “happened to be driving by” that day and saw our signs, saw us praying, and stopped to ask what we were doing there!! God is good!

  3. Suzanne Calvano

    Sorry for yet another post, but I just re-read what I wrote and realized I used the word “awesome” 3 times!! Gee, do you think I like the Pope or what??!!

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