Fr. Stanley Jaki was a friend. He stayed at our home a number of times. When viewing his picture our younger children quickly responded, “Don’t let him come here; he looks mean!” He was the priestly version of Einstein — brain, appearance, white hair askew and all.

But we invited him to our home anyway 🙂

(Pictures: Right, Fr. Jaki with our youngest daughter Emily; Below: Showing us his latest books)

But the reality was different than the photo. He was the kindliest old man to our kids. Within minutes he had their rapt attention and they clung to him like a gentle grandfather. He could be abrupt too, rough at times and a little demanding, but the other qualities always made the rough edges fall away.

He had to have Raisin Bran with Cranberry Juice for breakfast and a glass of Drumbuie for a nightcap. He was a prolific author with doctorates in theology and science. He was nicknamed “The Pope’s Physicist.” It will be sad knowing he is no longer walking among us, but I can assure you he is already measuring the galaxies and figuring out all the mysteries that occupied him while among us.

Fr. Jaki died April 7 at 84 years old. May he rest in peace!
For more, visit here and Wikipedia here.

Update: New Memoriam from from Inside the Vatican

Fr. Jaki provided an endorsement which still appears on the back of every copy of my book Crossing the Tiber (see below).


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jeffrey L Miller

    Didn’t know him personally, but I really loved his books whether on theology or science/science history

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