My insurance agent sent out a promotional flier with a “Holiday Special.” Plastered on the front of the oversized envelop was “Merry, Merry, Merry!”       Then nothing!

Why not finish it with what we all expect — Merry CHRISTMAS!

People are cowards and afraid to say something that 99% of people want to hear and 1% are adverse to. You can see what I did with his envelop below to the right.

Then my son called them and said, “Why not just say Christmas?! If you can’t say the truth and realize that this whole season is around Christ and the vast majority of your customers are Christians, and the rest understand why you’d say Christmas, then why snub us all with your political correctness?” They got the point and promised to be more careful what they send out in the future.

At a restaurant yesterday the hostess said, “Happy Holiday!!” I replied, “Thanks, but you should really say Merry Christmas because Jesus is the reason for the season.” Boy was she excited. “That’s exactly what I told my manager. People want to hear Merry Christmas and from now on that’s what I’m going to say!”

I dare say if one out of 10 Christians would speak out — the public denial of Christ Christmas would be over in two days. Retailers and others respond to their customers. So, tell them what you think and wish them a Merry CHRIST-mas!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jackie Hawk

    This bothers me to NO END. Look, it’s not a winter solstice bonus check, Hanukkah tree, or Kwanza present. While there are some people who celebrate these holidays (or holiday, don’t know about the solstice in some belief systems, but Kwanzaa was made up in the 70s as part of raising African american self-esteem, it’s interesting, but its not a holiday), the majority of the US celebrates Christmas whether they are Catholic or Atheist. I hate when they say, ‘oh we don’t want to offend anyone!’ Hello! BLACK Friday? I’m black, but I don’t take offense because I know what it means, but half the people I talk to think it’s some day based on race. Others think that it’s the anniversary of some terrible massacre. Doesn’t that have the potential to offend people? But black Friday it is, not Corporations-getting-out-of-debt-and-putting-them selves-back-in-the-black-versus-staying-in-the-red-day sale!!!!!! What about thanksgiving and the dogged Native American’s. No body freaks out about offending them (no one ever does, it seems, look at the team called the ‘Redskins’. Trying calling a team the ‘black skins’, I dare ya). Look, if you’re a store chain, you get all of that money because it’s Christmas. If you don’t have to work on the 25th of December because it’s Christmas. You don’t get off of work for Kwanzaa or Hanukkah unless you’re Jewish. It’s Christmas break, not winter break. It’s Christ, not world.
    And then the commercials!!!!!! So materialistic has our country become. Buy this, buy this, buy this!!!!! Stress yourself out, freak out about this. Get this so that your kids will be happy and know you love them! Buy this so that you can be happy and fulfilled this Christm–er holiday! Think about any and everything but Christ! I’m not saying that presents are terrible. Who doesn’t like presents? But for Christmas it’s becoming more and more about walking into Jesus’s birthday party, opening up all the cool party favors, eating all the cake and jetting. No handshake and chaplet for the foster father of all time, St. Joseph. No kiss hello and bouquet of rosary roses to our Holy Mother who invited us over to the yearly party of all parties/celebration of all celebrations when she said Yes to God. No Happy Birthday Jesus! with a hug and kiss and adoration and worship. We just storm in, ignore the Holy family, get our fill and leave stressed out, tired, exhausted and empty. Why, because we paid no attention to the hosts. We paid no attention to the HOST.
    Happy holidays? Sure. Right. We don’t want to offend anyone. That’s why on the fourth of July we blare it all over the place. Happy fourth of July! We don’t care about offending the people who are not from America. We don’t care about offending the decedents of those who were denied the freedom that fourth of July was supposed to grant for almost a hundred years after it became an important day. We don’t care about offending the British who live in America and see the historical July fourth as the cake topper on a rebelling state. Why? Because it is the 4th of July and it is still special and means something and is the only reason we celebrate on that day. We don’t say, happy muggy day in the heat of summer where we play with fire and consume processed meat! as not to offend. To say that simply isn’t American. And honestly, to say anything but Merry Christmas given our Christian history simply isn’t American. Seriously–this coming from a meek and mild girl (when off the keyboard)–America needs to Man up and get real.

  2. theresa in Alberta

    I am awaiting the arrival of a badge that I will be wearing on my coat, it says,”Say Merry Christmas I Won’t Be Offended”.

  3. Chris Maucher

    A very prosperous Advent to you!

    I am torn with this issue. I realize that the emphasis on Christmas needs to be Christ and we need to proclaim the need for Christ in our lives, however it is not Christmas yet. This is the Advent season and is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord. Therefore, in this sense, it is not OK to say Merry Christmas. Think about how shocked people would be if we Catholics said Merry Christmas for the 2 weeks after December 25. I am not saying we should give up the battle for saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, but maybe we should shift our thinking to following the Church’s liturgical calendar. The preparation of the coming of the Lord, His arrival, and then the celebration after.

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