Coming in 2012!    Every stop is a biblical site!!  Unpack once – your hotel follows you through the Mediterranean Sea.   Also with Rome extension! Call Susan at 800-727-1999, ext. 161 or write to


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Otto Henfling

    what is the likely cost going to be of the Footprints of St Paul cruise in October 2012? W e will be travelling from Australia – can you give me the cost from the European/Middle East starting point? We will probably be travelling as a family of 4.

    Otto Henfling
    Hello Otto:

    We have had people from Australia join us on pilgrimages in the past and they were wonderful additions to our groups. We can provide you with a “land only” price so you can arrange your own flights and we will meet you in Tel Aviv — pick you up at the airport.

    I am copying Suzanne and Maria on this email. They are my associates at Corporate Travel and handle all our arrangements, reservations, travel, etc. They are lovely to work with and they will get in touch with you soon.

    God bless you and your family. If you have not yet seen my pilgrimage website, visit for more info. Make sure to see our video clip “Kids are Pilgrims Too!” if you are bringing children.

    Steve Ray

  2. Maria Victoria Angeles

    Good morning Steve,

    This will be my first visit to Europe and going on a Catholic Pilgrimage can’t beat that. I am so excited as I am going with a group of close friends. We are set to go and were able to get another friend to come along.
    I was wondering how much walking we would be doing and what other activities there are. I tore my left leg muscles about 10 days ago and am not quite healed. I am unable to ambulate without pain.
    I hope you can give me some insight so I can plan ahead. Thank you and God bless you.


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