Another great and fun day. Enjoy the videos.

Part i

Part II


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Dottie Romine

    Hi Mom,
    Steve is doing such a great job with the video, I feel like I am there. I looked for you in the Dead Sea because I know how much you love the water. Finally there you were having a great time being towed back in. The Camel ride looked like alot of fun and I know you were looking forward to that. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did watching you. Well twomore days and you’ll be home so have a great time. I love you.
    Dottie Kay

  2. Isabel Smolik

    Our family has enjoyed the videos posted on the website! It’s as if we are there with my husband, John Smolik. A note to John: We miss you and can’t wait until we see you on Wednesday! Thank you for sharing your amazing journey through the pictures and descriptions you’ve sent us. Thank you, too, for taking our rosaries with you every step of the way. You are a loving husband and father. God bless you. Safe trip home. A note for Louise Huberty: Mom, you are the best mother-in-law a daugther-in-law can have! Thank you for inviting John to the Holy Land with you. I can tell by our conversations, he has been deeply moved by the experience of walking where Jesus walked. Safe trip home to everyone on the tour!

    Isabel (Angi & Luke)

  3. Dawn & David Gillet

    Hi Mom (Jane Thomas)

    Looks as though you had quite the day today. A great workout, a spectacular view from above and that ride on that camel was awesome, can’t wait to show the kids and grandkids. Continue to have a great time and we will be seeing soon.

    Luv Ya,

    Dawn & Family

  4. Juan-Carlos Garcia-Garavito


    Chris, what a way to get ready for the moment you will become another one of our priests. May God bless you for your life and dedication to the service of God. Our prayers will be with you.

    Steve and Kathy, many thanks. As you may have pointed out, you are achieving to be the best of all among the tours to Holy Land. God may provide me the gift to join you and probably complete what my women did not do, like the the run around the walls of Jerusalem.

    What did you not cover? It is almost impossible to find.

    I am speechless, surrounded by nostalgia and getting ready to drive to Syracuse to pick up my women together with the 2 boys.

    ’til next time. For now, I have you on our videos, which we watch over and over.

    That the Passion of Our Lord, His Cross, Death and Resurrection engulf you both and families with HIs Love forever and ever, Amen.

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