Yesterday Janet and I went in Palestinian city of Hebron, home and burial site of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Saw Oaks of Mamre (Gen 18). Found Tomb of Jesse and Ruth. Went into the Tombs of the Patriarchs (Machpelah) from both the mosque side and the synagogue side. Jewish settler took us all over the Jewish settlement.

In Genesis 17:8 God said promised Abraham, “And I will give to you, and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” The Jews who live in Hebron took God seriously and are living in the city that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

There is a LOT of history and controversy over this land, but I cannot help but think that God keeps his promises to the Jews (Rom 11:29) and seems to me to be a huge argument for the existence of God (see my blog here).

This was a great biblical adventure. I’ve been to these places before, but after writing the Genesis Commentary for Catholic Scripture Study Intl., it was all the more exciting to see it all again. The Machpelah is the cave where Abraham buried his wife Sarah and where Isaac and Ishmael buried their father Abraham. After them Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah were also buried here.

We went into the Muslim mosque side (which we did not like) to see the tombs of Isaac and Rebecca and into the Jewish Synagogue side to really relate to our history for the tombs of Abraham, Sarah, Jacob and Leah.

Then we went to the tombs of Jesse (father of David and name of my own son) and Ruth. These were new for me. It was good to have the Joseph the Jewish settler to show us around.

After that we went again to the Oaks of Mamre where Moses spoke with the Trinity who came to his tent. He RUSH and HURRIED and RAN to take care of them. Much different than their descendants who tried to kill him (Jesus) when he came again to Abraham’s people in John 8. It is worth a read to see the contrast between Abraham and his sinful descendants.

Today climbed Snake Path up and down the mountain of Masada. Explored everything on top. Ran half, walked half up and down. Enjoy the video.
