If You’ve Not Heard this Homily – STOP and Listen! Bravo! Wish it was from every pulpit in America!

This is an excerpt of the homily. To listen to the whole thing, click HERE.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jerry

    Grand Slam Home Run! This should be heard every where. What gets me I knew Obama was pro choice in the 2008 elections which is a Non-Negotiable when it come to the Catholic Church teaching on life. Now the Democratic Party has put gay marriage in there plateform which is another Non-Negotiable teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage which only between one man and a woman.
    From my research in 2008 I knew he was a socialist. I don’t know how so many Catholics voted for this man. I think 54% of Catholics voted for Obama in 2008.

  2. Jim

    I agree with you, Jerry. What were people thinking? It is amazing how so many are STILL blinded to the TRUTH of our faith! You could see the writing on the wall before he became an imposter living in the white house.

  3. Rebecca

    Thank you, Father!! This ABSOLUTELY needs to be heard everywhere. No matter the political views or denomination. I agree with you Jerry and Jim, and do NOT understand how people cannot know that he is socialist. Today I heard that over 50% of Catholics in this country plan to vote for him again in 2012. HOW SCARY. And I dont understand it at all. I WISH (I pray) that more Catholics would hear this…and that priests are having this conversation with their parishes. We need prayer now more than ever…….

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