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Fat me!

Three years ago the doctor told me I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I was pre-diabetic – with a few other problems as well. He gave me pills.

I told him I didn’t need his pills, I knew what to do…

…lose 40 pounds, cut my food intake in half and eliminate unhealthy foods. Our family decided to switch to only good foods (fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, seafood, turkey, etc.).

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Better shape, running with my son Jesse

In addition, my wife and I decided to exercise an hour a day together which for me meant running and biking and an elliptical machine which we put in our basement.

I went in for another physical last week.

Today I got the latest results: I am no longer pre-diabetic, cholesterol ratio is perfect, normal blood pressure, and everything else is in line.

It was a bit of work and self control but it worked and I hope others will choose to do the same.

Here is my plan which I posted a while ago.

I want to serve the Lord for a long time so I have to follow a healthy lifestyle. I also want to watch my grandchildren grow up in the Faith.

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Click on image to see charts

And my wife? She deserves to have a husband around to love her and to be a team player and patriarch for the expanding family.

Maybe I will inspire a few others to be healthy too. I hope so.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    Good for you, I (we) want you around for a very long time, then forever. Anyway the blood pressure is the hardest to deal with. Eventully, don’t be too proud to take a pill. God gave us the technology.

  2. theresa in Alberta

    lose 40 pounds, cut my foot ………..ouch eh! 😉 well done.

  3. Michelle c

    That’s awesome. Taking on healthy habits is something we should all do.

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