What a great day. Started the day with Mass at Gethsemane at the stone where Jesus sweat drops of blood. Then to the top of the Mount of Olives where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and from where he ascended into heaven.

Then to Mount Zion. We visited the place where Mary fell asleep before being assumed into heaven and made queen of heaven. Steve explained this based on the Bible. From their to the Upper Room where three sacraments were instituted: priesthood, the Eucharist and Confession. It was here also where the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost.

We then took a guided tour through the excellent Exhibition of the Shroud of Turin. Then everyone had a free afternoon.

At 5 we gathered in the lobby and walked to the Holy Sepulchre where we were met by the Franciscans and escorted in for a Solemn Entry into the Tomb after a pilgrimage greetings.

After that we walked to the Patriarchate and the Bishop of Jerusalem welcomed us in and gave us a talk and his blessing. What a day!

Part I:

Part II: Solemn Entry to the Holy Tomb followed by private meeting with the Bishop of Jerusalem.
