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Clear Conscience arrived today as a pre-release review copy. I spent most of the morning perusing it and found it highly readable, balanced, Catholic, concise, hits all the right points and is very timely.

It avoids all the pitfalls of the liberal Left’s attempt to twist Catholic teaching like a rubber nose to fit their socialist agenda and narrative. It is well written and makes profuse use of Scripture, the Catechism and Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis as well as other Church documents and teaching.

It is not a dull and boring read. It is concise, pithy, analyzes different perspectives, hits the hard topics and explains that much of a persons decision is based on prudential judgment, based on a solidly formed Catholic conscience. Good to give to everyone, Catholic or not.

It is clear to me that this election is the most important in my lifetime — so enter the booth prepared!

My wife and I purchased the 10-pack to share with our family and friends. Here is information on the timely book, a must-read for all Catholics before they pull the lever in the voting booth.

The highly-anticipated Catholic voting guide, Clear Conscience – released today. The nonpartisan voting guide from Ascension – the world leader in faith formation – examines Catholic values and provides comprehensive guidance to help Catholics navigate the contentious issues facing the nation both in the 2020 Election, and beyond.


Media Contact: Laura Orrico Public Relations, LLC, Laura Orrico – President 872-216-3781 |
Available in book or Kindle format: Click here.
To purchase 10-pack at reduced price click here.

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In the midst of a heated election season, Ascension has released a nonpartisan political guide for the voting Catholic. Clear Conscience identifies the responsibilities of Catholics when acting as voting citizens in the public square. It provides comprehensive guidance to help Catholics navigate the contentious issues facing the nation both in the 2020 Election, and beyond.

Clear Conscience focuses first on the foundational political principles that underlie all political decisions, including natural law, moral responsibility, and prudential judgement. In the second portion of the book, particular issues are examined, with clear outlines of where Catholics must agree with each other, and where Catholics of goodwill can validly hold differing political opinions.

“This book will not tell you who to vote for. That is a decision that only you can ultimately make,” explains Matthew Pinto, founder and president of Ascension. “Rather, the book will give you a framework from which your conscience can be formed, and thus, the guidance you will need to vote with a clear conscience.”

Through the insights in Clear Conscience, readers will learn:

– What the rights of every person are

– The universal responsibility to uphold and defend those rights

– How Catholics understand specific political issues

– How the Catholic tradition has contributed to a free and just society

– Guns, immigration, racial issues, and more.

The 2020 Election is set to be one of the most contentious elections in American history. Clear Conscience helps American Catholics chart a calm path through this storm while making reasonable, conscience-based political choices that honor both their faith and also their nation.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thomas M Govern

    Thanks Steve! Catholics need to vote their faith in what it teaches. Some issues are far more important than others, especially abortion.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks Tom very correct you are!

  2. Katie

    Is there, or will there be, an audiobook for “Clear Conscience?”

    STEVE RAY HERE: I am sorry but I don’t know the answer to that question. You can contact Ascension Press at

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