Just received from a friend:

Just received this GREAT NEWS from a friend via text:

”Their Eminences Cupich & McElroy got up at the USCCB meeting and took on the Faithful Citizenship document changes stating that it wasn’t true to papal teaching because it says that “abortion is the preeminent issue.” Chaput & Strickland got up challenged them by name & the Bishops applauded — and then voted down Cupich’s amendment!! Yea!!….My day probably won’t get any better than that!!” GOD IS WITH US!! God bless our GOOD BISHOPS!!!!!!!!

In Jesus, Mary, and all our saints!!

Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, OP
Vocation Director
Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
4597 Warren Rd., Ann Arbor, MI. 48105


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. sandi

    Oh, halleluiah!!! Thank you Bishop Strickland and all faithful Bishops who have found a voice. A friend told me that she received a text today that 69 of the Bishops voted AGAINST life. Of course, the pro-life measure passed, but if that is true, 69 Bishops voted pro-choice. Can you believe that????!!!! God have mercy on them!

  2. Nellie Edwards

    Praise God for this wonderful news!! Thanks for sharing Steve!!! So encouraging!!!!!!

  3. Dr. Thomas B. Lucente

    Praise God for good Bishops!!! This article has lifted my spirits and given me hope that all is not lost!!! The war was won on Calvary but it is so good to win some battles as well!!! St Michael and Our Lady crush the head of the serpent and his minions in our midst!!!!

  4. Kris

    I am holding on to the promise Christ gave the Church “the gates of hell shall not prevail “. No matter how weird things are getting or how narrow the path gets , Christ’s grace will prevail! Amen. Alleluia!

  5. Janet M Prouty

    Dear Sandi,
    Please note that the amendment that the bishops were voting on was not a pro-life or pro-abortion statement. It was a statement on the pre-eminance of the pro-life issue over other social issues. It is irresponsible to say that 69 of our bishops voted against life — they did not! They voted for a reprioratizing the life issues, which is problematic but not anti-life or pro-abortion. We need to be careful with how quick we are to judge and condemn.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Same Difference in my estimation. The Liberals are attempting to minimize the importance of the abortion issue if you try to make it less important it is not pro life. They set up a slippery slope.

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