Leaving for Poland Today: Introducing our Poland Pilgrimage with 2 Podcasts with Al Kresta Live

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Recently Al Kresta and I recorded two shows about Poland. You can listen to them here. Since we are leaving for Poland today, I thought it a good idea to re-share them and the commentary below.

In the first, I  tell of our adventures smuggling Bibles, medicine and money into Poland in 1983 when it was still under the Soviet Union. We also discuss what makes Poland such a unique Catholic country. The interview starts at 2:15 into the show.)

In the 2nd of 2 interviews, we discuss Poland’s rich heritage of modern saints in the 20th century including St. John Paul II, St. Maria Faustina and the Divine Mercy, and St. Maximillian Kolbe. And don’t forget Edith Stein who died in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

We will walk in the footprints of these great saints and experience their country with all it’s beauty and history (not to mention great food and drink 🙂  We have taken pilgrimages to Poland and people are overwhelmed with the beauty, history, Catholicity and friendliness of this country.


Want to join us in Poland next time? We will be going again on April 25 – May 3, 2021. For more info, or to get put on the “interested list” contact my associates at Corporate Travel at FootprintsOfGod@ctscentral.net or at 866-468-1420.



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    Steve, I know that I have had a scotch or two, but the links in this post do not get me to your talk. Maybe I am missing something. Would love to hear what you had to say.

    Steve Ray here: Tom, above at the top of the blog post there is a audio bar – click on the arrow to the left and it will play.

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