Janet and I decided long time ago that we would start conversations about the Catholic Faith whenever we have an opportunity. The Lord wants us to share the truth wherever we go.

Today we are on our way to Jordan-Israel to lead a group of pilgrims. When our Metro Cars driver arrived we knew he was from the Middle East which means he was either Muslim or Catholic.

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So we chatted with him for a few minutes and then discussed our conversion. By the way, you don’t have to be a convert to start conversations like this 🙂

Instantly he was excited that we were talking to him about Christ and he told us about his father who had come here from Iraq and still spoke the language of  Aramaic, the language of Jesus. He was proud to be Catholic. Wonderful conversations ensued.

He was also very excited to tell us he loved Trump. We certainly joined in his enthusiasm. We especially loved the State of the Union Address. He said his whole family loves Trump and will vote for him again.

When we got to the airport our ticket agent was a nice lady. As usual we decided to tell her what we were doing. We told her we were going to the Holy Land to walk in the footprints of Jesus. She got so excited I thought she was going to jump over the counter and join us 🙂

So in one short hour we encouraged two people in the Catholic faith.

All of us should be doing this every day. The world would be a different and better place if all of us devoted Catholics would be proud of the truth and share it with others.

You think people will be upset. Not so! Everywhere I go when I express our faith in Jesus Christ people are excited and say, “I am a Christian too!”

St. Paul wrote, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith” (Romans 1:16).

Sharing Jesus Christ will make your life all the more exciting and fulfilled!. Plus, you may save a soul and be thanked when you get to heaven 🙂

Our plane is taking off. Wonder who we will talk to on the plane. Follow us through Jordan and Israel. God bless you all!
