Janet and I walk 2 to 4 miles every day that we are home. We like to say that it is our medicine but it’s always a lovely time together.

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Last week while walking, we noticed someone had dumped a whole truck full of junk on our street — a broken TV, old furniture, etc. I looked through it and sure enough I found the creep’s address among the trash.

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 After taking pictures of the mess they have made on our country road, I sent them a letter. I told them what they did was not only illegal but also rude and very inconsiderate. In the letter I sent pictures of what they had dumped and the box with their address on it.

Included in my letter was a warning to pick up their trash within 48 hours or I would take all the information, the pictures and their address to the sheriff.

We went out for our normal walk again yesterday and found the trash had been re-collected and the area on our road cleaned up.

Too often we turn a blind eye to such things, but not me. I believe in the biblical concept of right and wrong and justice. It’s a good idea that we hold people accountable for their inconsiderate and illegal actions.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rob Murphy

    Howdy Steve,

    We have the same problem here in Oregon with lots of public access onto logging roads with dump sites of illegal trash.

    A couple summers ago my 21 year old son, John Paul (named after the great saint), bought an AR15 and wanted to site it in at a quarry site a couple miles up the nearby logging road. We drove up with our motorcycles where he zeroed it in at a hundred yards. As we were driving out with our dirt bikes, a pick up truck came flying up the dusty road toward us with no intention of slowing down. We pulled over to await the dust that enveloped. I was enraged at the SOB and conveyed my annoyance in no uncertain terms with my son as the dust settled. He told me his bed of the truck was loaded with trash……… and I went into the stratosphere with anger. I took off up the road a quarter of a mile to find the guy backed up to the side of the mountain and he was in the process of tilting the dump bed over the side when I arrived. I stopped about 40 feet and took out my cell phone to take pictures of the guy as he flipped me off. (There was no cell phone service). At that moment, a passenger jumped out of the side door of the truck and ran toward me yelling in no uncertain terms that those photos were going nowhere. The guy was about 25 years old and 250 pounds. I realized instantly that my ass was about to get severely kicked! I had no time to react as the guy immediately stopped at 10 feet from me and said, “You’re lucky your stooge got you covered.” He stormed back to the truck as I looked back to see my son had driven up behind me about another 40 feet and had his AR leveled at the jerk! The two scumbags fled away back down the road……flipping us off again. My nerves were trembling at what just transpired in the last 40 seconds. I got off the bike and walked toward my son and asked him just like the guy on the ground in the Dirty Harry movie as the 44 magnum was pointing at him. “John, I gotta know……… Did you have a bullet in the chamber?” He told me in a voice as calm as if we were both in a duck blind, “Yes, and I had pressure on the trigger when he stopped. I wasn’t going to let him hurt you.”

    I still shudder when I think about those moments and what legal nightmare would have ensued had the trigger been pulled, but had my son not acted in that manner, I am absolutely certain that I would have attacked. I am a firm believer for weapons in the hands of the just, and thank God for sinister-looking black assault rifles!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Rob Murphy

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