There has been a lot of discussion about withholding funds from the Church as a way of speaking out against bishops who have not done their job and been bad shepherds, protecting bad shepherds. I have suggested it is something we should think about especially if we know of abusers or those who facilitate abusers.

The Catholic faithful are very frustrated because they have little or no control over the hierarchy. And when many in the hierarchy have done (and are doing) such a terrible job of managing the flock and protecting it I understand, like Ed Peters commented, that we want to find some way to act and to put an end to the nonsense. The question keeps arising, “What can we do?”

I personally will not withhold finances or support from my parish nor my bishop (and archbishop) because the priests I know locally I believe to be exceptional and my bishop as well. But if I had good reason to believe otherwise or if my bishop was Wuerl…

Canon Lawyer Ed Peters has written an excellent article discussing this topic, especially from a Canon Law perspective. I suggest you read it here.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Janet M Prouty

    Dear Steve,
    My Archbishop is Cardinal Donald Wuerl and I will not withhold contributions to the archdiocese collections for various charities. As a cradle Catholic, my heart aches for the Church. I have watched our archdiocese during the last 18 years (the McCarrick and Wuerl years) try to appease the surrounding culture, but at least Cardinal Wuerl did challenge Obamacare contraceptive mandate. I just realize that here in Washington DC we are in the midst of the enemies' camp. So please recognize that we, in this Archdiocese, have many good and holy clergy including auxiliary bishops that will continue to shepard us into holiness.

    Steve Ray here: Very well said!

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