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We had pretty good weather today and it was enjoyed by everyone. After a delicious breakfast we took a driving tour of Dublin. We hit all the main sites and some of them that are not main sites but very interesting and instructive.

The “Famine Monument“ was very sad and gave a good depiction of what we learned about the suffering of the Irish people caused by the inconsideration and domination of the English.

We visited the statue of Oscar Wilde and learned of many other of the poets and scholars that have come from Ireland. We visited Trinity College and saw the Book of Kells which is an incredible treasure of the Church written and painted around 800 A.D. Some free time before Mass at a church built by Cardinal John Henry Newman (hear/see Fr. Jame’s excellent homily here). Then we went for a dinner show with the Merry Ploughboys. Fun, fun!

For additional music and dancing with the Merry Ploughboys , since it wouldn’t fit in the main video, click here.
