For those who want to follow the legal aspect of the homosexual and paedophilia situation with (clergy, especially the case against bishops that are coming out), I would suggest you keep up with Dr. Ed Peters, Canon Lawyer at

Here is his latest – a critique of Msgr. Guarino’s comments, Msgr. Guarino’s response, and Dr. Edward’s brilliant response.

Brief comments on Msgr. Guarino’s response to me,  August 12, 2018

Msgr. Thomas Guarino has replied to my response to his original remarks. He does so graciously but, I fear, inadequately.

Readers will recall what prompted my first response to Guarino: his claim that “consensual adult relationships”—including homosexual acts by and between seminarians and/or clergy, acts at the root of the clergy sexual misconduct crisis—were not “crimes” and that they had not been treated as crimes “for centuries”.

As Guarino, an ecclesiastic, was writing in support of ecclesiastical remedies for an ecclesiastical crisis, and as he contrasted the response to such (allegedly non-)crimes with ecclesiastical remedies for sin such as “confession, penance and spiritual direction”, I assumed he meant that these homosexual acts were not ecclesiastical “crimes” and that they had not been treated as ecclesiastical crimes “for centuries”. In those claims, as I showed, Guarino was quite mistaken. All such acts were in fact crimes in canon law until at least 1983 and had been so regarded for centuries.

For the rest of Dr. Peters’ click here.
