Cardinal Arinze: “If Protestants want to receive Communion, they should become Catholic“

“It is very important to look at the doctrine,” he added. “The Eucharistic celebration of the Mass is not an ecumenical service. It is not a gathering of those who believe in Christ and who invent a prayer for the occasion. It is a celebration of the mysteries of Christ who died for us on the Cross, who made bread into His body and wine into His blood and told the Apostles ‘do this in memory of me’.

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“So the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass is the celebration of the faith community, those who believe in Christ. They are communicating in the faith, and in the sacraments, and in ecclesiastical communion, not now Holy Communion but ecclesiastical unity with their pastor, their bishop and the Pope. It is the community that celebrates the Holy Eucharist. Anybody who is not a member of that community does not fit in at all.

“It isn’t just that we wish one another well. After Mass, you can have a cup of tea and even a glass of beer and a bit of cake. That’s OK. But the Mass is not like that.

“But we wish other Christians well. The Holy Eucharist is not our private possession which we can share with our friends. Our tea is such and also our bottle of beer. We can share those with our friends.”

He said that if Protestants wished to receive Communion in Catholic churches they should become Catholics. “Come, be received into the Church and then you can receive Holy Communion seven times a week. Otherwise, no.”

Furthermore, Catholics who have committed mortal sins must receive absolution before they can receive the Eucharist, he said.”

For the whole excellent interview, click HERE.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ty

    Yeah I try explaining this to my dads evangelical family, Protestants have no understanding of what it means to receive the Eucharist until they actually step away from their own invented traditions and attempt to understand why it is that Catholics do everything the way they do. A lot of them overlook the passage where it talks about taking in the blood and body unworthily and drinking the wrath of God into theirselves. I remember a time when I was 18 and insulted because I thought I was being told I wasn’t a Christian and that they were their own little club. Later when I grew older and not only read about it but watched your videos did I have a full grasp of what it truly means to take the Eucharist, I’m still on the road to conversion and I hope with all my heart that one day I shall eat his body and drink his blood worthily

    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks Ty! I understand completely!

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