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Northern Galilee had all of our attention today. Starting out with the Mass at the Mount of Beatitudes. Always hard to get people out of there it’s such a beautiful place 🙂  Fr. Nathan‘s homily was exceptional and passionate and you can see/hear it here.

Up to Caesarea Philippi were Jesus said “You Are Rock!“  I gave my 1/2 hour talk entitled “Peter: the Rock, the Keys and the Chair.”  We ate a marvelous lunch at a little family restaurant up in the Golan Heights before stopping at the Syrian border to talk about the situation in the Middle East and to pray for the persecuted Christians.

After visiting the church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish we visited the church of the Primacy of Peter E. Sabella or I Give My 1/2 Hour Talk on St. John Chapter 21.

After visiting the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish we visited the Church of the Primacy of Peter where I gave my 1/2 hour talk on St. John chapter 21.

Two hours of free time at the hotel on the shore of Galilee before heading for a short drive to arguably the finest restaurant in Israel where people from Tel Aviv fly in on helicopters to have dinner. It’s owned by a Christian and we love to support him and give our pilgrims the finest dining experience you can have a nice country.
