First, another article, this time in Crux by convert priest Fr. Dwight Longenecker. His article is entitled “Father James Martin on LGBT community: A Bridge too far?”


Second, an article by JOHN ZMIRAK Published on September 17, 2017 • For the Comments, follow link to the original article below.

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You might not follow inside Catholic baseball. I wouldn’t blame you. Lately it has recalled the infamous 1962 Mets, who won only 40 games while losing 120. Their manager, Casey Stengel, famously asked the team, “Can’t anybody here play this game?”

But the latest wild pitch and lost game are important, both to Catholics and other Christians.

There’s a famous, media-savvy priest, James Martin. He’s the kind of man whom Martin Scorcese calls up to consult on movies like Silence. Martin appears on Stephen Colbert, mocking conservatives and roguishly giving the heavy metal “devil horns” salute. He serves as a special advisor to Pope Francis. All this, while he’s pitching himself to the rich and aggressive LGBT lobby as their champion inside the church.

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me

But he’s also expert at casting himself as a persecuted victim. Criticize him for any of his nasty statements, and you’ll see that. Point out that he encouraged a priest to develop pre-marriage materials for same-sex couples. Or that he thinks it’s fine for gay couples to kiss during the “sign of peace” at Mass. Or that he incessantly undermines and mocks the timeless Jewish-Christian tradition on sexual morality, while winking at serious evil. Then you’ll see him over on the fainting couch, pretending that he’s been bullied.

He’s very good at this act. And media, both liberal Catholic and secular, eat it up like popcorn. Two weeks ago, Martin responded to critics at the website CatholicVote by pretending that their criticisms amounted to threats of violence. He even got them suspended from Twitter. When prolife activist Austin Ruse mocked this act of schoolgirl snitching and lying by calling it “pansified,” Martin cast himself as the victim of homophobic bullying.

But when he has the whip hand, Martin’s not ashamed to “out” dead priests and insinuate that his faithful Christian critics are latently homosexual. He encourages other priests to “come out,” but when observers ask him about his own sexuality, he coyly declines to comment.  (Original article in The Stream here).

First Things Senior Editor Matthew Schmitz points out that Martin and his allies tried to silence him by contacting his employer when he criticized Martin’s book.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Sandi

    May God have mercy on Fr. James Martin! I believe that he sincerely believes what he is doing the right thing and is well intentioned. But, he is giving those who live disordered lives hope that the church will be inclusive of them while they are still practicing and living in a state of sin. This is so wrong.

  2. Sandi

    May God have mercy on Fr. James Martin! I believe that he sincerely believes what he is doing is the right thing and is well intentioned. But, he is giving those who live disordered lives hope that the church will be inclusive of them while they are still practicing and living in a state of sin. This is so wrong.

  3. Anthony McNosky

    Fr. Martin is teaching heresy and acceptance of mortal sin!
    Leading many in the Church astray! God have mercy
    on his soul.

  4. Anthony McNosky

    I agree with Michael Voris of Church Millitant, this
    heresy needs to be called out in public and light of Christ
    and His Church's teaching shown upon it!

  5. Anthony McNosky

    Romans 1:24-32. Gods word in reference to those who practice
    homosexuality and those who approve and support it!

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