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A quote from Luther toward the end of his life, after he had surveyed the results of his revolt:

“Since we have commenced to preach our doctrine,” he said in one of his sermons, “the world has grown daily worse, more impious, and more shameless. Men are now beset by legions of devils, and while enjoying the full light of the Gospel are more avaricious, more impure, and repulsive than of old under the Papacy. Peasants, burghers, nobles, men of all degrees, the higher as well as the lowest are all alike slaves to avarice, drunkenness, gluttony, and impurity, and given over to horrible excesses of abominable passions.”


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dave

    Could I have a reference for those two quotes?

    STEVE RAY HERE: In Germany leading a group right now. But if you Google a phrase or two you will find the sources easily.

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