It is the 4th of July and Janet and I are sitting in an airport in Tel Aviv Israel. We were just in Egypt two days ago and were so happy to get back through security into Israel heading back home to America.

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One of my most valued possessions enables us to travel through all these countries, but more than anything else, in allows me to enter back in to the most wonderful and free country that has ever existed–the United States of America.

So what is this possession I am so proud of? It’s our United States passports declaring  that we are citizens of this marvelous country.

On this 4th of July Janet and I pray that God will bless America and our new president.  I feel that God has given our country a reprieve and I hope we will use it wisely.

We are proud to be Americans!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    Amen! How blessed we are to be a part of a great country and even a greater Faith. God could have put us in the lower Congo dodging animals, enemies and insurgents worshiping the forest. There but for the grace of God goes you and I. However, once blessed so much, a lot is expected. I hope I am up to the task.

  2. Janet Prouty

    Yes, despite all the problems America is still the “golden land” that many want to come to. I treasure my US passport. And when we adopted our son from an orphanage in Bolivia, we had him naturalized as an American citizen as soon as possible and did not keep his Bolivian citizenship.

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