We Welcome Grandchild No. 13 Adopted Today by our Daughter Charlotte – What A Cutie!

The paperwork is done. It is official!
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After finding out she had endometriosis our beautiful daughter Charlotte and her soon-to-be doctor husband Wesley decided to adopt. After praying, working, reading, fund-raising $40,000 today culminated with a dream come true for our whole family!

The paperwork is done and it is final. Yahoo!

We welcome Charles “Charlie” Thomas Sorrill into our loving family as grandchild no. 13. He has 12 cousins who can’t wait to cuddle him, kiss his pudgy cheeks and welcome him into the club.

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We are so proud of Charlotte and Wes! They will be marvelous parents. Everyone in the family is already in love with this little fellow. Can’t wait to get a whole family picture again. The last one was over two years ago with 22 of us at our youngest daughter Emily’s wedding. Now we are 23 and hopefully we can get this picture at the baptism of lucky little Charlie.

By the way there are two words that start with “a” and have the same number of words — adoption and abortion. We really need to make the first easier and cheaper and the later non-existent. Imagine killing this little baby instead of giving him to a lonely and loving couple. We have discovered how many couples would love to adopt but it is so difficult to find a baby and it is so expensive. This needs to be changed! 

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God bless this birth mother who decided to give Charlie birth and to make a childless couple the happiest people in the world. May God bless her every day for the rest of her life.

Who knows what this young baby will be or do someday. I hope I live long enough to see. We are so happy and proud! Family is a great creation and gift of God.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    God bless all, perhaps especially the birth mother. What bravery in the face of the options.

  2. Barbara McCulloch

    Congratulations to little Charlie’s parents and to his beautiful birth mother.

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