Part One

Part Two

Fr. Dan’s final pilgrimage homily, click here.


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  1. Bill Moran

    Su and I just completed our third pilgrimage with Steve and Janet. It is unfair to compare one pilgrimage to another based on the locations you visit, but it will be hard to top this pilgrimage to the Holy Land. One constant to all their pilgrimages is the organization and preparation of your daily itineraries, including unique local restaurants.
    The highlight of all travel with Steve and Janet is their knowledge and love of our Lord. They explain some of the mysteries of our faith, but all mysteries can’t or don’t need to be explained. That is the nature of our faith. Steve goes to great length to show us that facts matter and directs us to not be afraid to see that what we believe in is The Truth! His use of typology brings together the Old and New Testaments in ways that show that persons or events in the OT foreshadow persons or events in the NT.
    if you are thinking of a Holy Land or other Catholic pilgrimage look no further than The Footprints of God! This has been an unsolicited testimonial, but some gum might be nice Steve!
    We pray for Steve, Janet, their family and all pilgrims who travel with them daily and encourage you to do the same. God Bless! Bill and Su Moran

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