Janet is usually quiet and reserved but today she surprised me. We went to Jimmy John’s to get sub sandwiches for our grandkids a while ago. On the sidewalk was sitting a young black man asking for money. I walked into the store but she turned around and went back to talk with him.

She said, “I won’t give you money but if you’d like a sandwich and a drink I’ll buy you one.” I was looking for her inside the store but didn’t see her so I went back out to see where she went. That’s when I got this picture.

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She stepped into the shop, bought the sandwich and Coke and took it back out and gave it to him. She said, “I hope you enjoy the sandwich and I want you to know I did this because I’m a Catholic and we like to help people in the name of Jesus.”

He pointed to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church two blocks away. He said, “Do you go to that church?” Janet said, “We do.”

He said, “I go there on Thursdays for their free food.” Janet responded, “Well that’s great; maybe you can start coming on Sunday mornings too!”

Yeah, I was proud of her. And if she can do it so can everybody else reading this 🙂 It is a good idea that when you do something nice for someone you let them know why by saying something like, “I’m a Catholic and we Christians like to do these kind of things.”


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mark

    Totally awesome! You ROCK, Mrs. Ray!

  2. Darrell

    A true corporal work of mercy in the spirit of Matthew 25. God bless you Janet and Steve!

  3. Tom Govern

    Great work! Janet’s mannerisms could not help but impress. She is a class act. Let’s pray God gives us the opportunities to help people find the way, and pray we can do it.

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