UPDATE: Bishop Lynch rebuked by Archbishop of Miami.

Some say “Yes!” including Bishop Robert Lynch, the bishop of St. Petersburg Florida who said, “sadly it is religion, including our own, which targets, mostly verbally, and also often breeds contempt for gays, lesbians and transgender people. (Let’s hope he soon corrects or clarifies his comment.)

Attacks today on LGBT men and women often plant the seed of contempt, then hatred, which can ultimately lead to violence.” Why does he imply, even state, that we Christians are the cause of the attack in his diocese?

As LifeSite News says, repeating the article by Catholic Vote, “Not a single Catholic has celebrated this crime. Not one Catholic voice has called for violence against gay and lesbian people. But now, an increasing number of leaders are attempting to exploit the terrorist attack in Orlando to advance political agendas — and they are even blaming us!” (Full article with other quotes blaming Christians and conservatives)

Catholic apologist Jesse Romero had enough. He wrote to the good bishop based on the exhortation of Bishop Fulton Sheen who said the laity have to teach our priests how to be priests and our Bishops to be Bishops. Relying on Catechism paragraph 907  and Code of Canon Law (CIC, can. 212 § 3) Jesse wrote to Bishop Lynch:

“The Catholic Church’s teachings are the most charitable and compassionate of any religion in the world.

Islamic Shariah law commands homosexuals be killed in Islamic countries. The more moderate Muslim countries give homosexuals 10 years in prison.

The Knights of Columbus magazine (Columbia) put out an article that 1/3 of people dying of AIDS are being treated for free at a Catholic Hospice.

Isis throws homosexuals off of three-story buildings with their hands tied behind them and then stones them to death as they scream verses from the Koran.

Catholics say that everybody (homosexuals included) are made in the image and likeness of God.

Islam teaches that NOBODY is made in the image and likeness of Allah.

Not a single Catholic has celebrated this crime. Not one Catholic voice has called for violence against gay and lesbian people. As a shepherd of the Church you should clarify your statement.

We must defend our rights as Catholics to follow the teachings of our Church — and respond together to the insinuation that doing so leads to violence.

Our Lord said “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”…and “repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15). These are the words that inspire Catholics to “speak the truth in charity” (Ephesians 4:15).

Bishop, we need moral clarity at a time like this. Give Catholics inspiration to evangelize; don’t hamstring us with misplaced guilt which actually should be directed at the Islamic religion. Have courage good Bishop, have courage.”

God Bless You,
JR <><  

Read also Elliott Milco’s article in First Thing Magazine “A Response to Fr. James Martin on the Orlando Massacre” in which he sides with the bishops who did not say we stand behind the GLBT Community. Bravo to them and to Milco.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cary Melvin

    Just as a clarification, Bishop Lynch is the Bushop of St. Petersburg, not Orlando. I am a parishioner in the Diocese of Orlando and have only heard Bishop Noonan make a call for prayer for the victims.
    STEVE RAY HERE: Fixed. Thanks!!

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