Number 1:
Steve, I know you get a ton of emails, but I still want to email you and tell you how much of an impact you had on me converting to the Catholic faith. Your talks on he Church Fathers had the biggest impact on me.

After studying the Church Fathers, I knew Catholicism was the Church for me. I attend Mass daily and I owe you a big thank you.

Being raised Protestant, I always felt like something was missing. I felt distant from God. Church felt more like a rock and roll concert than actual worship. I felt like the pastor was trying to entertain rather than teach.

But Mass is the total opposite. I can feel the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit in the liturgy. Tradition that has guided this Church for over 2000 years lives on and I feel proud and humbled to be apart of it.

Praise God for leading me to this church and thank you Steve for helping me open my eyes of the truth.

Signed, B.B.

Number 2:
Steve  Just a huge thanks for your YouTubes. My son recently returned the Catholic Church after being an Evangelical Protestant for 20 years; your description of Mary as the Arc of the New Covenant was instrumental, as he left the church because we “worship Mary” according to a girl friend in High School.  

Many prayers to Mary and many saints and Jesus brought him back…….with your help  Thank you.

