My Talk at Primacy of Peter: Understanding John 21 and Jesus’ Appearance at the Sea of Galilee

Since I am doing a show on this topic today with Spirit Catholic Radio (listen live from 9:10-9:40 AM Eastern time) and since will be at this site called Primacy of St. Peter along the shore of Galilee four more times this year…

…I thought I would share my teaching that I give all our pilgrims at this site. It is an explanation of St. John 21 where Jesus appoints Peter to be the shepherd of his sheep. (see my YouTube video below).

But there is much more here than meets the eye when you first read John 21, especially if you are reading in English.

What does the net, the 153 fish, the shoreline and the water represent? Did you know that Jesus and Peter used two different Greek words for “LOVE” in their dialog – but there is only one word used in English? Why couldn’t Peter say he really loved Jesus but was only his good friend.

This is a sample of the teaching I give at the holy sites in the Holy Land and I hope you enjoy what our group is listening to today 🙂  This is my whole 20 minute talk expounding on John 21.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Robbie Shashy

    Hi Rita! Hope you have a great pilgrimage! Ian and I have been following your journey! Love you!

  2. Mike Sebbo

    My brother in Christ,
    Another great video teaching moment. I love hearing how deep into the Scripture, Tradition and history you go to get the point across to us. Excellent!
    Thank you for serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

  3. David Weymouth

    I love this talk. My wife and I had the great Blessing to hear it live and on location while on pilgrimage last November…I tear up every time! Thanks Steve!

  4. Tom Govern

    Been their, heard it, outstanding. Pure Catholic! God bless Steve and Janet in there efforts.

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