Sean Smiddy’s Story: From Pentecostal “Catholics are all going to hell!” to “The One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church”

Dear Mr Steve Ray:

First, I would like to thank you SO much for your YouTube video about Peter, The keys, seat, etc., that led me to the site!!  I learned a TON of cool stuff just from your video, and by participating on the message boards, I am learning more, and gathering many online resources for readings that are extremely interesting to me as a guy who is 46, and who will be a Catholic but one year this coming Saturday vigil!

I LOVE your apologetics stuff.  I may be tooooo into apologetics for my own good, but since the rest of my side of the family are almost all Pentecostal, with a few Baptists mixed in, I want to be able to at least explain, or if necessary, defend my faith, just because mine is more correct! 🙂

I used to think that crucifixes were almost sacrilegious because Jesus isn’t on the cross anymore, that all Catholics were going to hell, and many other erroneous things.  I totally feel like someone took a spiritual blindfold off of me and I am finally seeing the TRUE light of God.  So awesome, and so very exciting.  I can’t seem to learn enough, fast enough to suit myself.

Anyway, my own conversion story is attached.  I wanted to just cover the main points.  If you think more information in it would be helpful to others who are still locked into the Pentecostal realm, I’d be happy to put in illustrations and explanations of how damaged I was because of those people, who, when I was in RCIA, told me if I was going to be Catholic to just stay away.  Thankfully we’re “cool” now.

I pray that you are blessed in all of your endeavors and that you and your family are well and stay that way until the Second Coming (not the 3rd and 4th ones I thought would happen).

Enjoy Sean Smiddy’s Story.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Susy

    Wonderful story, thanks for sharing it. God bless Sean Smiddy, and welcome home.

  2. Anna

    I was raised in the Assembly of God Churches and I heard the same tired line of all Catholics are going to Hell. I knew as a little girl that, that was wrong. I always felt hurt in my heart when the people at church would say disparaging things about the Catholic Church and Catholic Christians. I always felt a call to join the Catholic church as far back as I can remember. I would walk by a Catholic Church when I walked to and home from school and I always felt this great urge to go inside and sit through a mass. Then when I was 22 a friend invited me to a Catholic Bible study at a convent and there is where I truly felt the Holy Spirit. I would go to mass there as often as I could. Then 5 years later after meeting my husband, getting married, and moving to Idaho my Husband had a dream in which God called him to the Church and we started RCIA classes soon after that. Ever since I have completely fallen in love with Christ and His Church.

  3. Marian L Hernandez

    Hi. I am Roman Catholic and my husband is Pentecostal. I was raised to embrace everyone no matter what their religion because religion does not save you and secure you a place in heaven. What is in your heart, the manner in which you live your life and treat others, living as God commanded us to is what would take us to Christ. I go to church with my husband at least once a month, i assist in any way that i can whenever his church has events and of course i attend Mass in my church. I have accepted my husband for who he is because i know he is genuinely a kind hearted person who is trying to live right. The issue is my husband is convinced that my ticket to hell is booked because i am Catholic. He is now convinced tgat God put us together so that he (my husband) can save me. This is a new development, he has never told me this before and i only found out about it by accident. He was researching what to do if you are married to a non believer. Imagine my shock when i realised that he thought he was married to a non believer. I honestly thought things were good between us. I am not sure how to handle a sityation of this nature but what i will say is that i am who i am and thats Catholic, i am not going to leave my husband, i made a vow and its one i intend to keep

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