Janet and I are at the Sea of Galilee awaiting our sold out bus of pilgrims arriving on Sunday. We have another sold out bus in December. Our pilgrimage to the Holy Land is almost sold out already for March 2016.

But many people are again afraid to come to the Land of Jesus and Mary – and for no good reason. It is safe here contrary to what you hear in the news. We’ve been here over 130 times and brought many thousands of people and I can tell you …

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Pilgrims and tourists everywhere; the country is full! They are not allowing CNN to keep them away.

The hotels are FULL, the buses are FULL and the pilgrims are visiting and celebrating their Faith at the holy sites without any problem and in complete safety. Look at this picture of the dining room in just one hotel!

If one Jew gets stabbed in the Palestinian areas it makes headlines in the US for days. Forty people a week are killed in Chicago, in DC, in Detroit, in LA and no one even hears about it and no one is afraid to fly into Chicago.

People ask me, “Aren’t you afraid to go to Israel?” I always answer, “No, I am afraid to go to Detroit!” I feel safer in Israel than in any major city in the United States. Many people who live here or who have visited will say the same thing.

Here is a short beauty movie I made while sitting on the shores of the Sea of Galilee today. Enjoy!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kevin

    Once again amazing Video shots of all the Kingfisher Family and egret.. the thing I marveled with was the music.. I never knew you played the Picolo parts sounded like Ave Maria! Bravo!
    Thanks for the entertainment!

  2. Tom Govern

    Let’s not let anyone scare us away from our heritage! The locations that Steve will go to are safer than those in our country. I have never felt threatened there even in Hebron or Nablus. The normal Holy Land locations are perfectly safe. Don’t let the news stop you from going. If there is a problem, you can trust Steve to avoid it.

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