Steve Ray here to share with you our great day with 50 excited pilgrims. We try to stay with a smaller, one-bus group to give folks a marvelous, intimate and personal – and the best Catholic experience possible in the Holy Land.

Pope Paul VI called the Holy Land the 5th Gospel and we take it as our mission to help our pilgrims “read” this 5th Gospel. 

Today we visited Mount Tabor to celebrate Mass at the place of the Transfiguration where we prayed the Mystery of that event. Then to Cana of Galilee to renew our wedding vows.

Nazareth is always a blessing – where we stand where Mary stood when the Angel Gabriel came to announce the good news to her. I also give my talk ” A Day in the Life of the Holy Family” in the cave where Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived their Silent Thirty Years in Nazareth. 

Hope you enjoy the videos for today. The first video is our pilgrimage and second is Fr. Chris’ excellent homily at the Church of the Transfiguration.

Adventures for Today in the Holy Land


Fr. Chris Alar’s Homily (priest with Marians of the Immaculate Conception)




This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    God bless all on the journey!

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