These are the questions I answered about Raising Sons on Catholic Answers Live. It was a fun show with great questions. We recorded this one a ways back but it is still alive and applicable.

In biblical teaching, it is the father’s responsibility to raise, educate and prepare his sons and daughters to be adults. Today the world, the media and the whole culture treat fathers as idiots and tries to emasculate them. It is time for fathers to stand up and be manly men and good examples and teachers and real fathers for their kids.


1)  I have a son who defends the Catholic Church to the death but won’t go to Mass. Do you have any suggestions how to get him to go? (Interesting line this discussion took about the real reason was) — see suggestion below…

 2)  How do you answer boys that say that he or others are born gay?

3)  Do think it is right to let my 5 year old son mingle and play with his older cousins of 10-12 years old?

 4)  What do you tell kids as to why they should go to church?

 5)  I have a 9 year old son. We go to Mass every Sunday and he’s made his first communion but he doesn’t seem interested or participate in the Mass. What should we do?

 6)  My son is discerning a religious vocation. What can I do to encourage this and help him along the way?

 7)  My son is 8 years old and I had to move away for several years for my job. What kind of future problems might I expect?

 8)  My young son of 4 years old says he wants to be a priest. What can I do to encourage him toward a religious vocation?

 9)  My father passed away and I am concerned about my younger brothers who are not practicing their faith. How can I encourage them to go back to church?

 10)  Do you agree it is important to teach our kids they must obey the Ten Commandments? Why didn’t you mention that when answering some of the questions about Sunday and going to church?

 11)  How do you handle small children who can’t sit still or be quiet in church? Should we even take them to church?


I received this email after the show:  “You took a call about a boy who was starting to veer away from Mass and veer away from confession. Last Christmas season, a fellow homeschool family wrote a beautiful play called combining Charles Dickens, A Christmas Story and Theology of the Body and the teen group put it on.

I thought it was a perfect story as the central figure has committed some sin that was beginning to draw him away from his friends, family, church etc. The playwright reconciled the end beautifully. This father also turned it into the book, “The Weight of the Mass” with the author’s permission and turned into a beautiful play that the teen group puts on last Easter Season.”
