Transfigured with Christ; Renewed Wedding Vows; Rosary Where the Words Were First Uttered

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Mass at the Church of Transfiguration

Today we had great weather, not too hot or cold, just perfect. Everyone has already bonded into a fellowship of believers set on learning more about our Lord and Lady and the Church. And we are reading the 5th Gospel – which is the Holy Land. 

Today we began early to avoid the lines and arrived first at Mount Tabor, the Mount of the Transfiguration. We had Mass was Jesus was transfigured before his three disciples in the presence of Moses and Elijah. I gave my talk on the meaning of the Transfiguration and its relationship to Mount Sinai. You can listen to Msgr. Droll’s homily here.

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It was here the Angel Gabriel said, "Hail, Full of Grace"

Everyone was emotional at the renewal of wedding vows at the Wedding Church in Cana. Msgr. Droll did a marvelous job of explaining the beauty of marriage and all the married coupled renewed vows together. I gave my talk on the Wedding Feast of Cana and how the six jars became seven when Jesus died on the cross.

Then to an authentic Arab meal in Nazareth. One of the pilgrims commented, “That was not lunch, it was a feast!”

Our last stop of the day was a third Rosary site – the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth. My friend Amer, who is our local guide, lives in Nazareth and the Annunciation is his parish church so I laid low so he could explain his own church but I did give one of my favorite talks “A Day in the Life of the Holy Family” at the cave where Mary, Joseph and Jesus lived.

The late afternoon and evening were free. It was nice to see our pilgrims swimming in the Sea of Galilee, sharing a glass of wine watching the waves and I know that some took a nap.

Msgr. Droll’s Homily at the top of the Mount of Transfiguration; click here 713_0023


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  1. The Moores and The Tisdales

    Dear Mike and Judy Canon:
    We thoroughly enjoyed watching the video of Day 2 of your awesome journey. We especially enjoyed watching the video of you renew your wedding vows. You are a beautiful, Godly couple and we feel blessed to have you as family. We love you very much and look forward to your return. We cannot wait to hear about stories of your travel!
    Elizabeth, Todd, Clare, Cate, Mother (Dorothy) and Daddy (A.J.)

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