From and friend and fellow worker with the great young man Tom Peters:

On a warm summer night four months ago, I received some terrible news. 

As I was preparing to go to sleep that July night, my phone vibrated on my bedside table. A new text message. Then another. Then another. Something was urgent. Then I read the messages.

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He was married only 3 months before this tragic accident

Our friend and co-worker Thomas Peters, widely known as the ‘American Papist’ blogger, was involved in a swimming accident. He had suffered a severe injury and his life was in danger. At that moment nobody knew if he was still alive. ‘Pray!’ was the only request.

Thomas was transported that night by helicopter to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Unit in Baltimore. We later learned that he had fractured his fifth cervical vertebra. He was temporarily paralyzed and the prognosis was uncertain. “Please pray” was all we were told. So pray we did.

Over a period of 6 weeks Thomas’ doctors worked to save his life and repair the damage to his neck. Through many surgeries, treatments, and trials, the doctors were able to finally stabilize him.

Thomas continues to recover, having been through in-patient rehab and just recently was allowed to return home where he is continuing the rehabilitation process.

Just yesterday he fired off an email to the CV staff urging us to push back against a NY Times article suggesting that Catholics are unhappy with the Holy Father. He joked about his sore pinky he was forced to use to type. He may be handicapped, but his love of the Church remains boundless.

While Thomas continues his recovery, the financial burden of his accident continues to grow.

That’s why is participating in the #IStandWithThomasPeters day by pledging to send any donation received today to the Thomas Peters Recovery Fund.

There are many ways you can help. Here are a few:

SPREAD THE WORD – Thomas’ faithful friends have created graphics that can be shared on social media urging people to support Thomas in his recovery. Check out the graphics to share here:

PRAY – Please join us in offering up prayers of thanksgiving for his life and prayers of petition for his continued recovery. See the intentions here:

DONATE – The costs of Thomas’ medical treatment, rehabilitation, and related needs are enormous. If we can help ease the financial burden and stress even a little, Thomas will be able to focus on these last two critical months of recovery.

Please consider making a gift of any amount now.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Thomas. We are grateful to God for answering our prayers. 

I just sent in my donation and I’m passing on the news. I hope you will do both as well.
